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The Cave


Experience enchantment at its finest with projection mapping animation at our exclusive fine dining establishment nestled within the heart of a natural cave. As the visitors indulge in a culinary journey of delectable flavors, they'll be captivated by the mesmerizing interplay of light and shadows. 


Creative Director

Diyan Surya

Animation Director:

Dimas Meiyanda

3D Animator:

Luthfi Nurhazami

Muhammad Azzam

Agesna Johdan

Dwi Anom Kusumo

Projection Mapping:

Abdul Malik Perdiansyah


The cave's rugged textures become the canvas for a symphony of colors, as intricate animations seamlessly meld with the contours of the rocky surroundings.

This innovative fusion of technology and nature elevates your dining experience, immersing the visitors in a world where art, cuisine, and the ancient allure of the cave converge to create an unforgettable evening of sensory delight.